Saturday, May 22, 2010

New fabrics

I know that I promised some new pictures tonight, but I'm just too tired to edit photos to appease the people that wanted to see the new stuff, I will give you some fabric samples to drool over tonight:)

My new favorite...
This one I paired with a pink that matches the dots.

This one goes really well with blue...the bees are actually more blue than black.

This is paired with a bright orange.  I just love the orange and the trucks.
Seems like I'm getting a lot of little boy fabrics these days:)
Ella told me she likes trucks too though!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lunch Kits

It has been raining or windy for the last couple days, so it has been hard to get pictures, but I finally got some that are at least blogworthy!

Here is the what the Hungry Caterpillar Lunch Kit looks like.  The wrap has red on the back.  Large Bag is done in the Hungry Caterpillar dots and I was able to fit the "junkfood" on the small bag.
*please note that this small bag is ever so slightly larger, so that I could get the print on there.*

Here is the Guitar Lunch Kit.  Guitars for all the pieces.  Inside of the mat is done in teal to match the one guitar, but could be done in black as well (my hubby said that teal is not manly enough for him:).

They are available now by request and will be put into the shop as soon as I can get better pictures:)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shoe Fabric Anyone:)

Flip Flops on Black
Wizard of Oz Red Ruby Slippers
Flip Flops on White

Just a few ideas for new fabrics!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Groovy Guitars

New Fabric to show:  I'm thinking lunch wraps (my hubby said he would use them) but can be available for anything I guess.  BUYERS CHOICE!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

New Items

I have a couple items that will be going into the shop this weekend...but you are the first to know:)

I am finally ready to put my coffee cup sleeves into the shop.
Keep your hands dry when your drink is COLD.
Keep your hands cool when your drink is HOT.
All four done in Amy Butler - Full Moon Lotus Polka Dots.
Choose from Cherry, Slate, Tangerine or Lime.
Get yours today...and for all your coffee drinking friends!  
$5 each, 2 for $9, 3 for $13, all 4 for $17.

This next item has been an idea in the works for a long time.  Stroller First Aid Kits.  I am really good about having a full first aid kit at home and one in the car, but that won't help me at the park or while I'm shopping.  This is a small first aid kit that you can carry in your purse or diaper bag or stick it in the glove box.
Loop on the top makes it easy to hang from your stroller while out and about.  I actually just leave mine on the stroller at all times.  Hangs perfectly from one of my baby links.

I carry Kleenex, Benadryl itch stick, antibiotic ointment, hand sanatizer,
 fingernail clippers and 10-15 bandaids, but there is room for more.
Clear front pockets lets you easily find what you're looking for!
Does not come pre-filled.  Does not include ring to hang.
Cost is $8 per bag.

I will now sell my Reusable lunch items in a discounted set.  
In the set you will get:
1- Sandwich Wrap
1- Large Snack Bag
1- Small Snack Bag

Set will cost $12 and will come in the Orange/Lemons, Apples/Pears, Flames.

I will also be adding using some of my new fabrics for lunch time options.  Green Camo and Pink Camo as well as the Hungry Caterpiller set.  (sorry no pictures, prototypes not quite done yet:)

Look for the lunch totes to be added soon as well as some new bags!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sneak Peak...

For all of those who follow this blog:)  You are getting a sneak peak at what I got to work on today.

These work in place of those cardboard sleeves that you get at the coffee shop.  
Keep your hands cool when you have a hot drink and dry when you have a cold drink!
Awhile ago, I had a request for a lunch tote to be delivered for the fall...lots of time to get it right!  I just loved the caterpillar fabric so much that I set right to work on the lunch tote.  This is the first go at it.
The fruit fits all the way around the top.  It has a canvas lining so that the tote holds its shape.
4" gusset on the bottom.
Top of bag and handles are top stitched.

I have a request for a pocket inside to house an icepack and I forgot to add the velcro on the inside top so that the bag closes.  I love this just as a bag to carry a few things around in for the baby!  But also works great for a lunch tote.  Very versatile!  Will be offered alone or as a set with 1-sandwich wrap, 1-large snack bag, and 1-small snack bag.

I will likely offer my other sandwich wrap fabric as options instead of the caterpillar fruit.  Bottom is a soft corduroy and is available in green (as shown) and pink, red, blue.  Hope you like it!