Wednesday, May 15, 2013

May Napkin of the Month

There are so many things that I love about my best friend....
 Her love and her smile and her laughter are infectious!  You just can't be grumpy around her!
She sends virtual coffee from MN to TX.  How cool is that!  Sometimes we each sit with our coffee in the morning and chat...with screaming kids in the background!
{her crew of 7}
Oh yeah....she has 5 kids just like me and we can sympathize with each other when our days are crazy and our lives feel messy and out of sync.  She gets it....and she understands.  And since she loves a good surprise in the mailbox....she is always willing to wait for her napkins.

I had so hoped that each month her napkins would arrive on the 1st and there would be such fun in waiting for that.  But sometimes that doesn't happen....most months that doesn't happen:(  And that's ok.  She gets it and I love that about her.  She knows that customer orders and school costumes and family come first for me and THEN her beloved napkins:)
{my crew of 7}
And these napkins are ALWAYS worth the wait:)
I bet you all thought that since April showers, or umbrellas, would be followed by May flowers.  But May flowers just aren't MANLY.  And I try to be fair to the men in their house, so this month is dedicated to Noah and his Dad, who put up with 5 other girls every day!

{tell us how you REALLY feel about having so many sister, Noah!}
 Mustaches and Dark Blue!  Very boy if you ask me and it totally fits the craze of mustaches that is going around.  I know that they love the stache at their house, so this should make dinner super fun!

I love that each napkin has so many different staches.  I was looking for the repeats in the fabric to keep it mixed and there hardly is any!
When I think of a mustache, I like these two above.  Simple and clean!
 The top one here reminds me of the Lorax and the bottom mustaches actually scallop?
No way could I like someone who had these!
Hoping I get a thumbs up from Noah this month!  I can just hear Brenna at dinner tonight,
AND....because I was on such a roll with her napkins the other day, I also made her JUNE set!
They'll have to wait, but I stuck it in the mail with May and they can leave it on the counter and anticipate the reveal:)

1 comment:

  1. You are SO good to me...I don't deserve you! But I love you and am SO thankful for you! :) Can't wait to find those staches in the mail! :)


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